fakultet ekonomije i turizma "dr. mijo mirković", pula
Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli
Fakultet ekonomije i turizma "Dr. Mijo Mirković"
Preradovićeva 1, 52100 PULA
15.03.16 14:15

Gostujuće predavanje doktoranda mr.sc. Luciana Basauria sa Universidad Catolica de Chile na temu "The Architecture and Infrastructure of Tourism in Croatia: 1960 - 1990"

Četvrtak 17.03.2016 od 13:30 do 15.30 sati, dvorana Pula

Mr.sc. Luciano Basauri predavač i doktorand sa Katoličkog sveučilišta iz Čilea (Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago) dobitnik je stipendije navedenog sveučilišta u svrhu provedbe terenskog istraživanja na temu The Architecture and Infrastructure of Tourism in Croatia: 1960 - 1990 čije će rezultate u četvrtak 17. ožujka od 13:30 do 15.30 sati prezentirati pulskim studentima u dvorani Pula. Prezentacija će biti održana na Engleskom jeziku i otvorena je i za i širu javnost.

Kao partnersku instituciju u svom istraživanju mr.sc. Luciano Basauri odabrao je FET a dvomjesečno istraživanje proveo je pod mentorstvom doc.dr.sc. Maura Dujmovića. Zanimljivosti radi Luciano je od 2001. do 2012. godine proveo u Hrvatskoj radeći za Plavu Lagunu. 

Sažetak prezentacije:

The challenge of creating a more sustainable approach to Sun and Beach tourism is not only of utmost urgency, but also a fair part of the current spatial problems set up by tourism in general. However, this condition is not exclusive to the 21st century, for it departs from the mid-1960s. In this sense, different strategies to promote tourism, physical planning and architectural design were carried out since the second half of the twentieth century onwards, precisely in the attempt to resolve the challenges demanded by the ambitious task of exercising control on the performance of mass tourism; particularly regarding the reconciliation between objectives of economic growth brought by tourism and the rational and sensible use of space or the territory and its cultural and natural resources. Recently, it has become necessary to revisit the historical path of mass tourism and the original cases where such problems emerged and the first responses were made; all of them expressions that arose in partial or full correspondence with the architecture and planning of the Modern Movement Project. The case of Croatia during socialist Yugoslavia, in accordance with the abovementioned, emerges as a particularly interesting case study, for the particular social and political conditions favored on one hand, the emergence of a spatial planning apparatus for tourism purposes. And on the other, coastal landscape arrangements, infrastructure of collective/public use and the rather inclusive ‘micro-urban’ ambience installed by the hotels and their immediate surroundings. It could be said that the historical trajectory of the urbanization of the Croatian coast during the second half of the 20th century was not only instrumental and relevant for the development of country during the particular time period, but even managed to lay down the foundations of spatial principles that fairly continue to hold tourism growth on its littoral; showing consistent results beyond what some other cases of the Mediterranean region were able to achieve.


doc.dr.sc. Dean Sinković, MBA

Prodekan za znanstveno-istraživačku djelatnost i međunarodnu suradnju

Fakultet ekonomije i turizma "Dr.Mijo Mirković" u Puli